Pup Prices
Below are the prices and the packages that we offer. Our prices are according to weight, click here to see the services that we offer and what is included in our base price. I do offer special discounts for multiple animal houses and breeder dogs. All of these prices are subjected to change due to packages, coats, or behavior. Please click "contact me" to schedule an appointment for your furbaby or if you have any questions.
Pup Packages
Below are the different packages we offer

De-shedding is very important for a double/triple coated dog, lack of de-shedding can lead to compacted fur that can turn into mats which then the coat will have to be shaved. These dogs Should not be shaved unless they have to be.
De-shedding package includes:
Basic package
De-shedding shampoo
De-shedding conditioner
Teeth brushing
30 minutes of de-shedding
Need more de-shedding time look at Al a carte​

When pups get spicy for brushing or when life happens, mats form. Some mats are far from the skin and can be brushed out. This is the ideal time to get a groomer over. If they mats worsen it can cause hematomas, slow blood flow and breathing.
Detangling pack includes:
​Basic package
Detangling Shampoo
Detangling Conditioner
longer blow dry
20 minute brushing
Teeth brushing
Need more Detangling time check out Al a carte​

AKA the COMPLETE shave down
When life gets in the way or when pups are being difficult to brush we have our chihuahua package. This package is a complete shave down, to the skin, When there is matting present I use the safest blade to get underneath the mats. I know a lot of people don't like fully shaved dogs but if they are matted shaving is the best option for their health. Mats can lead to bruising, slow down blood flow and breathing.
Chihuahua Package includes:
Basic package
Hydrating shampoo
Hydrating conditioner
Longer bath
Teeth Brushing
30 minute shave down
Need more Shaving time see​